Participate in Our Survey

Phase 2(B) Survey has now closed

This second community survey focuses on collecting more specific preferences and priorities for the future of the airport site and potential future uses that could take shape after the airport is closed. This survey features the Draft Guiding Principles for the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project!


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project?

What is the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project?

What is the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project?

What is the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project?

Who are the consultants involved in the project?

Who are the consultants involved in the project?

Who are the consultants involved in the project?

Who are the consultants involved in the project?

Who is administering the project?

Who is administering the project?

Who is administering the project?

Who is administering the project?

What is the project objective?

What is the project objective?

What is the project objective?

What is the project objective?

What is the project timeline?

What is the project timeline?

What is the project timeline?

What is the project timeline?

What will the outcome of the project be?

What will the outcome of the project be?

What will the outcome of the project be?

What will the outcome of the project be?

What kind of community engagement can I expect

What kind of community engagement can I expect

What kind of community engagement can I expect

What kind of community engagement can I expect

How big is the airport site? What is included in it?

How big is the airport site? What is included in it?

How big is the airport site? What is included in it?

How big is the airport site? What is included in it?

Graphic featuring a green ground plane and tree with a swooping motif of an airplane changing into a bird in light blue.
Graphic featuring a green ground plane and tree with a swooping motif of an airplane changing into a bird in light blue.